This year, instead of solely soliciting donations from you, one of our generous supporters, we want to give you some great opportunities to give back to our cause while gifting to family members and friends. It's the best of both worlds!
This Holiday season, we hope you will consider contributing to KLEF and taking advantage of one of the opportunities below to provide a perfect gift for someone you love. Your support will help us continue to provide the important vision programs we offer to those in need in Kentucky and beyond. We cannot do what we do without YOU!
Have a basketball fan on your list? Tickets for the 2020 Mr. and Miss Kentucky Basketball Awards Ceremony are on sale now. Click here to purchase tickets.
Have a food lover on your list? A restaurant gift card is always a good bet! Bluegrass Hospitality Group, the owner of several restaurants across Kentucky and surrounding states including Drakes, Malones, Harry's, Aqua Sushi and OBC Kitchen, will donate 20% of gift card sales to KLEF if you purchase the gift card on their website and select KLEF as the designated charity! Click here to purchase BHG Gift Cards.
Shopping on Amazon this Holiday season? Visit smile.amazon.com, login to your Amazon account and select Kentucky Lions Eye Foundation as your charity and Amazon will donate .5% of each purchase you make through smile.amazon.com to KLEF. Click here to shop using Amazon Smile.
Sending flowers to a loved one during the Holiday season? During the checkout process while ordering online from Nanz & Kraft, select Kentucky Lions Eye Foundation as your charity and Nanz & Kraft will donate $2 per order to KLEF. Click here to order flowers today.
Planning to do any grocery shopping this Holiday season? If you shop at Kroger, you can register your Kroger card and account to support the Kentucky Lions Eye Foundation's KidSight Program. Click here to register your Kroger Card.
Have a KLEF volunteer, trustee or friend of the Foundation on your list? We now have a KLEF merchandise online store! You can order shirts and jackets personalized with the KLEF logo or KidSight logo on it. To make it even better, our supplier Matly Digital Solutions will donate 20% of KLEF merchandise sales back to KLEF! Click here to view the KLEF Merchandise Store.