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Patron Program

The Patron Fund Program was created to help those Kentuckians with no insurance or limited insurance to obtain medically necessary eye surgeries.


The program has provided assistance to over 100 people in the last five years.


The guidelines to qualify to be considered to receive assistance from the Patron Program are: 

  • Individual must be referred to the program by a Kentucky Lions Club member.

  • An application must be completed and submitted to KLEF.

  • Individual must verify medical need of the surgery.

  • Individual must verify financial need. (Household Income and Household Expenses must be listed on application)


When KLEF receives an application the information is sent to our Patron Committee to review and vote on approval.  A written approval letter will be sent to the patient and the participating doctors office and surgery center.  The maximum amount that KLEF  is able to spend per patient is $2,500.  Payment will only be made to the participating doctors office, surgery center and anesthesiologist.  


Paducah, KY

Betty, an artist from Paducah, was diagnosed with ocular cancer at one of the lowest points in her life.  Recently divorced and unemployed, Betty had no insurance and was unsure where to turn.  The Patron Program was able to assist her with her treatment and she is now cancer free! 

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How is the Patron Program funded?

The Patron Program is funded 100% by donations directly to the Patron Fund. Please note on the your donation that it is for the Patron Program.


We have three recognition levels for those who donate to the Patron Fund. 


  • Life Patron - $100 Donation - Donor or honoree receives a Life Patron Pin and is permanently considered a Life Patron. 

  • Silver Patron - $500 Total Donation - Donor of honoree receives a Silver Patron Pin and is permanently considered a Silver Patron. 

  • Gold Patron - $1,000 Total Donation - Donor or honoree receives a Gold Patron Pin and is permanently considered a Gold Patron. 

How do I apply for Patron Program assistance?

To apply for the Patron Program complete the application


This application must be signed by a member of a Kentucky Lions Club.  


If you need help in finding the Lions Club in your area please contact KLEF at 502-583-0565 (ext. 103)

© 2023 by Feed The World. Proudly created with

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​Find us: 

301 East Muhammad Ali Blvd. 

Louisville, KY 40202

All Donations  to the Kentucky Lions Eye Foundation are Tax-Deductible.

Registered 501(c)(3) EIN: 61-0516171

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