KLEF staff received a phone call in July from an office building owner in Shepherdsville, KY. The office building had recently been vacated by an optometrist who had left several pieces of vision testing equipment in the building. On July 28th, KLEF staff members Jennifer Hunt and Karen Kayse and KLEF board member Fred Wright went to the Shepherdsville office and picked up the equipment, filling three vehicles and moved it to storage. Some of the equipment we kept in hopes to be able to use it in our Vision Van Program and our staff reached out to a few Louisville eye doctors who may be interested in the remainder of the equipment.

On August 10th, the University of Louisville Department of Ophthalmology picked up several items and accepted the donation of the following equipment:
3 Slit Lamps (1 Marco)
2 Applanation Tonometers
4 Slit Lamp Tables
2 Reichert Clear Chart 2 Digital Acuity Systems
1 Reichert Manual Vision Projector POC
1 Reichert Minus Cylinder Phoropter
1 Righton Speedy K Auto-Refractor/Keratometer.
3 Corded Indirect Ophthalmoscopes (1 is a Keeler Ophthalmoscope)
1 Nikon Manual Lenometer
1 Marco Contact Lens Microscope
2 Omron
Finger Blood Pressure Monitors
1 Welch Allyn Retinoscope Head
One Trial Lens Frame
2 boxes of Children’s Slip Myds
Various Low Vision items:
1 Prisma Low Vision Portable Video Magnifier - Ash Technologies
1 Original Distance Chart for the Partially Sighted
1 Continuous Test Low Contrast Chart/Eschenbach
Eschenbach low vision magnifiers