Thank you for your interest in referring a patient to KLEF's Low Vision Clinic.
To refer a patient to our clinic you can click here to download a copy of our referral form to print and fax or email to us or you can complete the online form below and click "submit".
A member of our team will contact the patient shortly after you complete the referral submission. If you have any questions, please call 502-583-0564 ext. 104 or email
Click HERE to download a digital version of our Low Vision Clinic brochure. If you would like to request printed copies of our Low Vision Clinic brochure for distribution in your office or through your organization, please email; please include the quantity desired, organization requesting, and address to where they should be sent or delivered by KLEF.

About the clinic
Who we serve
Low vision exams will be provided to any resident of Kentucky or a surrounding state who has been referred by an ophthalmologist or optometrist for our services. Insurance is not required and we serve all, regardless of age, gender, income or other factors.
Where to find us
The Kentucky Lions Eye Foundation’s Low Vision Clinic will be housed inside of the Charles W. McDowell Center for the Blind located at 8412 Westport Rd, Louisville, KY 40242.
Meet Our Low Vision Team
Contact our Team
Leave us a voicemail and one of our providers will contact you soon!
502-583-0564 Ext. 104
FAX: 502-324-4856